FEBRUARY 28 | May 10, 2019


The exhibition Still Alive is devoted to the still life genre in the art world from the seventeenth century until the present day.

Even though it has often been a denigrated genre, this has not stopped the great artists of art history from executing this variant on many occasions, turning still lifes into objects of study and admiration. The Still Alive exhibition features works from the artists who have significantly influenced the still life genre with their creations, trying to offer the viewer, with a didactic intention, the evolution of this genre throughout history. 

This exhibition establishes a historical dialogue through a unique selection of artists such as Nobuyoshi Araki, Arman, Salvador Dalí, Mariano Fortuny, Juan Gris, Alexej von Jawlensy, Pablo Picasso, Tom Wesselmann and Antoni Tàpies, among others.